Different Architecture Types: A Comprehensive Guide

Architecture is a fascinating subject that encompasses various types and styles, each with its unique characteristics and purpose. As an architect and home design enthusiast, I have always been captivated by the different architectural styles and their effectiveness in creating functional and visually appealing spaces. In this blog post, I will dive into the topic of architecture types and explore some of the key concepts and features associated with them.

1. What is a facade in architecture?

Image: Facade in architecture

The term “facade” refers to the exterior surface of a building, particularly the front-facing side that is visible to the public. It serves as both a protective shield and an aesthetic element, setting the tone for the overall architectural style. Facades can range from simple and minimalistic designs to elaborate and ornate compositions, showcasing the creativity and craftsmanship of the architect.

2. What is a portico in architecture?

Image: Portico in architecture

A portico is a covered entryway or porch supported by columns or pillars. It is commonly found in classical or neoclassical architectural styles, where it serves as an impressive and inviting feature that enhances the grandeur of the building. Porticos can also provide shade and protection from rain or harsh sunlight, making them both functional and visually appealing.

3. What is architecture photography?

Image: Architecture photography

Architecture photography is the art of capturing buildings and structures through the lens of a camera. It goes beyond simple documentation and aims to showcase the architectural design, form, and details in a visually striking and impactful way. Architecture photographers use various techniques and perspectives to highlight the unique aspects and character of a building, making it an essential tool for architects to showcase their work.

4. What is business architecture?

Business architecture involves the strategic alignment of business objectives, processes, and information systems to support an organization’s goals and operations. It provides a framework for understanding how different business components interact and how they can be optimized to achieve desired outcomes. Business architecture helps organizations streamline their operations, identify areas for improvement, and create a roadmap for successful development and growth.

5. What is clean architecture?

Clean architecture is a software development approach that emphasizes the separation of concerns and the independence of different layers of code. It promotes modular and maintainable codebases by enforcing clear boundaries between user interface, business logic, and data storage components. Clean architecture enables developers to easily understand, test, and modify individual parts of a software system without causing unintended side effects or dependencies.

6. What is commercial architecture?

Commercial architecture focuses on the design of buildings that serve commercial purposes, such as offices, retail spaces, and venues. It considers both functional and aesthetic aspects to create spaces that are conducive to business activities while appealing to customers or clients. Commercial architects work closely with clients to understand their specific needs and objectives, ensuring that the final design aligns with their brand image, culture, and goals.

7. What is composable architecture?

Composable architecture is an approach to building software systems by combining small, reusable components or services. It allows developers to assemble and reconfigure these components in different ways to create flexible and adaptable systems. Composable architecture enables scalability, modularity, and simplifies the development process by breaking down complex systems into manageable and interchangeable parts.

8. What is converged architecture?

Converged architecture refers to the integration of different technology components, such as computing, networking, and storage, into a unified and optimized system. It eliminates the need for multiple standalone infrastructure elements and reduces complexity and maintenance costs. Converged architecture streamlines IT operations, improves scalability, and enables organizations to efficiently support new technologies and business demands.

9. What is drafting in architecture?

Drafting in architecture involves the creation of technical drawings and plans that communicate the design intent and specifications of a building. It is a crucial part of the design and construction process, providing detailed information for contractors, engineers, and other professionals involved in the project. Drafting requires precision, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of architectural standards and conventions.

10. What is elevation in architecture?

Elevation in architecture refers to the vertical view or face of a building. It showcases the external features, proportions, and relationships between different elements, such as windows, doors, and architectural details. Elevation drawings provide a comprehensive understanding of the building’s exterior design and enable architects and builders to visualize how the structure will look from different perspectives.

11. What is enterprise architecture (TOGAF)?

Enterprise architecture, as defined by The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF), is a comprehensive approach to aligning an organization’s business and IT strategy. It involves the creation of a holistic view of the enterprise, delineating its current and desired state, and developing a roadmap for achieving the desired outcomes. Enterprise architecture helps organizations optimize their operations, manage IT investments, and drive innovation and digital transformation.

12. What is headless architecture?

Headless architecture is an approach to building websites or applications where the front-end or presentation layer is decoupled from the back-end or content management system (CMS). It enables developers to build the user interface independently using frameworks or technologies suited for specific platforms or devices. Headless architecture offers flexibility, scalability, and the ability to deliver content to multiple channels or interfaces effectively.

13. What is hostile architecture?

Hostile architecture, also known as defensive architecture, refers to design elements or features that discourage or prevent certain activities or behaviors. It is often implemented in public spaces to deter loitering, skateboarding, or sleeping to address specific social or safety concerns. Hostile architecture can take the form of uncomfortable benches, anti-homeless spikes, or narrow dividers that prevent sitting or laying down.

14. What is information architecture in UX?

Information architecture in user experience (UX) design focuses on the organization and structure of information within a product or system. It ensures that users can easily navigate, find, and understand the content or functionality they need. Information architecture involves defining the hierarchy, grouping, and labeling of information elements to create a coherent and intuitive user experience.

15. What is interior architecture?

Interior architecture blends the fields of architecture and interior design, focusing on the design and planning of interior spaces. It considers both the aesthetic and functional aspects of the built environment, including lighting, acoustics, and materials. Interior architects work closely with clients to create harmonious and efficient spaces that reflect their personal taste, needs, and lifestyle.

16. What is Mach architecture?

Mach architecture refers to the design and implementation of the Mach operating system kernel. It provides a practical basis for developing efficient and scalable operating systems by separating the user-level applications from the low-level kernel functions. The Mach architecture lays the foundation for features such as inter-process communication, memory management, and resource allocation.

17. What is mid-century modern architecture?

Image: Mid-century modern architecture

Mid-century modern architecture refers to the architectural style prevalent from the mid-1940s to the late 1960s. It embodies simplicity, functionality, and integration with nature, with an emphasis on clean lines, open floor plans, and the use of natural materials. Mid-century modern architecture broke away from traditional ornamentation and sought to create spaces that felt light, airy, and connected to the outdoors.

18. What is vernacular architecture?

Vernacular architecture refers to the indigenous or traditional architecture of a specific region or community. It reflects the local culture, customs, and environmental factors, and emphasizes sustainable design principles. Vernacular architecture often uses locally available materials and construction techniques, integrating the built environment seamlessly with the surrounding landscape.

19. What is von Neumann architecture?

Von Neumann architecture, proposed by the Hungarian mathematician and computer scientist John von Neumann, is a theoretical framework for constructing digital computers. It is organized around the concept of a stored-program computer, where instructions and data are stored in the computer’s memory. Von Neumann architecture forms the basis for modern computer systems and has revolutionized the field of computing.

20. What were the main goals and characteristics of the Arts and Crafts Movement in architecture?

The Arts and Crafts Movement, popular from the late 19th to the early 20th century, aimed to counteract the negative effects of industrialization and mass production. Its main goals included:

  • Reviving traditional craftsmanship and promoting handcrafted products
  • Emphasizing the importance of quality materials and attention to detail
  • Advocating for the integration of craftsmanship and design in everyday objects
  • Promoting social reform and improved working conditions for artisans

The Arts and Crafts Movement sought to reconnect people with the beauty and value of handmade objects, rejecting the perceived soullessness of mass-produced goods. It embraced the use of traditional techniques, natural materials, and ornamental motifs inspired by nature.

21. Where is graphic design used in architecture and interior design?

Graphic design plays a crucial role in architecture and interior design, fulfilling various objectives such as:

  • Creating visually compelling presentations and marketing collateral for architectural firms
  • Designing signage and wayfinding systems within buildings
  • Developing branding and visual identities for interior design projects
  • Producing detailed and aesthetically pleasing construction drawings and documents

Graphic design helps architects and interior designers communicate their ideas effectively, enhance the user experience, and create a cohesive visual language within a space.

22. Why architecture matters

Architecture matters because it shapes the world we inhabit and influences our everyday experiences. Here are a few reasons why architecture matters:

  • Functionality and User Experience: Well-designed architecture improves the functionality and usability of spaces, enhancing our quality of life.
  • Cultural Expression: Architecture reflects the values, aspirations, and uniqueness of a culture or community, serving as a physical representation of its identity.
  • Economic Impact: Architectural projects stimulate economic growth and contribute to the development of communities and cities.
  • Sustainability and the Environment: Architects have a significant role in designing environmentally sustainable buildings and promoting sustainable practices in the construction industry.
  • Emotional and Aesthetic Appeal: Thoughtfully designed architecture elicits emotional responses and provides aesthetic pleasure, enhancing our everyday experiences.

Architecture influences almost every aspect of our lives, from the homes we live in to the cities we explore. It deserves our attention, appreciation, and careful consideration.


As an architect, I have always been fascinated by the variety and depth of architecture types. From the intricate details of a facade to the functional aspects of commercial architecture, each type brings its own unique flavor to the built environment. Whether you’re captivated by the simplicity of mid-century modern architecture or astounded by the complexity of enterprise architecture, understanding the various types and their characteristics allows for a deeper appreciation of the world around us.